Become a Seller

With nearly a decade of experience as one of the premier online retailers of high quality car and truck accessories available today, Custom Werks prides itself on working tirelessly alongside the most respected manufacturers in the business while simultaneously guaranteeing fast and reliable service at every sharp turn of the road ahead. Staffed with an enthusiastic sales team committed to making your visit to Custom Werks as pleasing and user-friendly as possible, we'll help you build the car of your dreams from the wheels up one detail at a time.

Custom Werks got into the business back in 2004 initially as a retailer of customized car and truck license frames out in the suburbs of North Riverside, just west of the biggest and best mecca in the Midwestern United States: Chicago. As the winds of change signaled the growth of global businesses moving into the online marketing arena, Custom Werks joined the fray, switching to an exclusive online catalog of automotive car accessories and products. And with a customer base that now extends into over 120 different countries and counting around the globe, Custom Werks' reputation is steadily growing, unbound by oceans, borders, and time zones.